Узнаём как выглядел сайт раньше
Всем привет! Вы наверное все знаете про сайт, который делает слепок интернета, и с помощью данного сервиса можно узнать как выглядел сайт раньше. Теперь это можно сделать в termux. Перейдем к установке.
Обновим пакет:
apt update
apt upgrade
Качаем питон:
apt install python
Теперь через пип саму программу:
pip3 install waybackpack
Один из примеров использования:
waybackpack dol.gov -d ~/Downloads/dol-wayback --to-date 1996
Вот такой результат:
├── 19961102145216
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
├── 19961103063843
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
├── 19961222171647
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
└── 19961223193614
└── dol.gov
└── index.html
А вот такие ключи для использования существуют:usage: waybackpack [-h] (-d DIR | --list) [--raw] [--root ROOT]
[--from-date FROM_DATE] [--to-date TO_DATE]
[--user-agent USER_AGENT] [--follow-redirects]
[--uniques-only] [--collapse COLLAPSE] [--quiet]
positional arguments:
url The URL of the resource you want to download.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to save the files. Will create this
directory if it doesnt already exist.
--list Instead of downloading the files, only print the list
of snapshots.
--raw Fetch file in its original state, without any
processing by the Wayback Machine or waybackpack.
--root ROOT The root URL from which to serve snapshotted
resources. Default: https://web.archive.org
--from-date FROM_DATE
Timestamp-string indicating the earliest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., 201501 is valid.
--to-date TO_DATE Timestamp-string indicating the latest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., 201604 is valid.
--user-agent USER_AGENT
The User-Agent header to send along with your requests
to the Wayback Machine. If possible, please include
the phrase waybackpack and your email address. That
way, if youre battering their servers, they know who
to contact. Default: waybackpack.
--follow-redirects Follow redirects.
--uniques-only Download only the first version of duplicate files.
--collapse COLLAPSE An archive.org `collapse` parameter. Cf.:
https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/blob/master /wayback-cdx-server/README.md#collapsing
--quiet Dont log progress to stderr.
--max-retries MAX_RETRIES
How many times to try accessing content with 4XX or
5XX status code before skipping?
Обновим пакет:
apt update
apt upgrade
Качаем питон:
apt install python
Теперь через пип саму программу:
pip3 install waybackpack
Один из примеров использования:
waybackpack dol.gov -d ~/Downloads/dol-wayback --to-date 1996
Вот такой результат:
├── 19961102145216
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
├── 19961103063843
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
├── 19961222171647
│ └── dol.gov
│ └── index.html
└── 19961223193614
└── dol.gov
└── index.html
А вот такие ключи для использования существуют:usage: waybackpack [-h] (-d DIR | --list) [--raw] [--root ROOT]
[--from-date FROM_DATE] [--to-date TO_DATE]
[--user-agent USER_AGENT] [--follow-redirects]
[--uniques-only] [--collapse COLLAPSE] [--quiet]
positional arguments:
url The URL of the resource you want to download.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DIR, --dir DIR Directory to save the files. Will create this
directory if it doesnt already exist.
--list Instead of downloading the files, only print the list
of snapshots.
--raw Fetch file in its original state, without any
processing by the Wayback Machine or waybackpack.
--root ROOT The root URL from which to serve snapshotted
resources. Default: https://web.archive.org
--from-date FROM_DATE
Timestamp-string indicating the earliest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., 201501 is valid.
--to-date TO_DATE Timestamp-string indicating the latest snapshot to
download. Should take the format YYYYMMDDhhss, though
you can omit as many of the trailing digits as you
like. E.g., 201604 is valid.
--user-agent USER_AGENT
The User-Agent header to send along with your requests
to the Wayback Machine. If possible, please include
the phrase waybackpack and your email address. That
way, if youre battering their servers, they know who
to contact. Default: waybackpack.
--follow-redirects Follow redirects.
--uniques-only Download only the first version of duplicate files.
--collapse COLLAPSE An archive.org `collapse` parameter. Cf.:
https://github.com/internetarchive/wayback/blob/master /wayback-cdx-server/README.md#collapsing
--quiet Dont log progress to stderr.
--max-retries MAX_RETRIES
How many times to try accessing content with 4XX or
5XX status code before skipping?
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